Web Changes Box on the Right Side

This box is included in the WebHome of every web, except for the TWiki documentation web.

To update existing webs, add the following at the very top of WebHome:


Web Changes in Dashboard Box

To show a recent changes bullet list in a dashboard box, add the following box to the dashboard:

%DASHBOARD{ section="box_start"
 title="Recent Changes in <nop>%WEB% Web"
 contentstyle="overflow: hidden;"
%INCLUDE{ "%SYSTEMWEB%.WebChangesRightBox" section="bullet_list" }%
%DASHBOARD{ section="box_end" }%

-- Contributors: PeterThoeny - 2012-10-14

r5 - 09 Nov 2012 - 09:28:29 - TWikiContributor
Linux & Open Source for AT91 Microchip Microprocessors

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