TWiki Skin Browser

You can try out the TWikiSkins currently installed on this system:

Click for full screen image MovedSkin: Inform users that a TWiki site has moved to a new location

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Click for full screen image PatternSkin: TWiki's base skin; CSS based, flexible and W3C-compliant

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Click for full screen image PlainSkin: Shows rendered topic text without any page decoration

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Click for full screen image PrintSkin: Useful to print pages with a small header and footer

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Click for full screen image TWikiNetSkin: Certified TWiki skin

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Screenshot TopMenuSkin: Top-menu skin

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Tip: Additional skins can be downloaded from TWiki:Plugins.SkinPackage

Note: TWikiSkins describes how to create, package, install and activate skins

Related Topics: TWikiSkins, AdminDocumentationCategory, UserDocumentationCategory

r7 - 21 Dec 2012 - 09:19:02 - TWikiContributor
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