"$SUM( $ABOVE() )"
to TWiki tables or anywhere in topic text ExternalSite:Page
to link to a page on an external site based on aliases defined in a rules topic :-)
as :eek:
as Plugin | Errors |
SpreadSheetPlugin | none |
AliasPlugin | none |
BackupRestorePlugin | none |
BreadCrumbsPlugin | none |
ColorPickerPlugin | none |
CommentPlugin | none |
ConnectByRestPlugin | none |
DatePickerPlugin | none |
EditTablePlugin | none |
EmptyPlugin | none |
FilterPlugin | none |
FlexWebListPlugin | none |
FootNotePlugin | none |
FormPlugin | none |
GluePlugin | none |
HeadlinesPlugin | none |
IfDefinedPlugin | none |
InterwikiPlugin | none |
JQueryPlugin | none |
PreferencesPlugin | none |
RedDotPlugin | none |
RenderListPlugin | none |
SetGetPlugin | none |
SlideShowPlugin | none |
SmiliesPlugin | none |
TWikiNetSkinPlugin | none |
TWikiSheetPlugin | none |
TablePlugin | none |
TagMePlugin | none |
TwistyPlugin | none |
WatchlistPlugin | none |
WysiwygPlugin | none |
Handler | Plugins |
afterEditHandler | WysiwygPlugin |
afterRenameHandler | TagMePlugin WatchlistPlugin |
afterSaveHandler | TagMePlugin WatchlistPlugin |
beforeCommonTagsHandler | EditTablePlugin FormPlugin PreferencesPlugin TWikiSheetPlugin TwistyPlugin WysiwygPlugin |
beforeEditHandler | WysiwygPlugin |
beforeMergeHandler | WysiwygPlugin |
beforeSaveHandler | CommentPlugin WatchlistPlugin WysiwygPlugin |
commonTagsHandler | SpreadSheetPlugin AliasPlugin BackupRestorePlugin CommentPlugin EditTablePlugin FilterPlugin FootNotePlugin GluePlugin IfDefinedPlugin JQueryPlugin RedDotPlugin SlideShowPlugin SmiliesPlugin TWikiSheetPlugin |
initPlugin | SpreadSheetPlugin AliasPlugin BackupRestorePlugin BreadCrumbsPlugin ColorPickerPlugin CommentPlugin ConnectByRestPlugin DatePickerPlugin EditTablePlugin EmptyPlugin FilterPlugin FlexWebListPlugin FootNotePlugin FormPlugin GluePlugin HeadlinesPlugin IfDefinedPlugin InterwikiPlugin JQueryPlugin PreferencesPlugin RedDotPlugin RenderListPlugin SetGetPlugin SlideShowPlugin SmiliesPlugin TWikiNetSkinPlugin TWikiSheetPlugin TablePlugin TagMePlugin TwistyPlugin WatchlistPlugin WysiwygPlugin |
modifyHeaderHandler | WysiwygPlugin |
postRenderingHandler | AliasPlugin FootNotePlugin PreferencesPlugin RedDotPlugin TWikiNetSkinPlugin WysiwygPlugin |
preRenderingHandler | AliasPlugin InterwikiPlugin SmiliesPlugin TWikiNetSkinPlugin TablePlugin |
redirectCgiQueryHandler | RedDotPlugin |
startRenderingHandler | RenderListPlugin This handler is deprecated - please check for updated versions of the plugins that use it! |
Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, TWikiPreferences, AdminDocumentationCategory, AdminToolsCategory, TWikiSkinBrowser Copyright © by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors.
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