* Column 1: ICON variable, must be of format: %ICON{example}% * Column 2: Escaped variable for display, typically of format: =%<nop>ICON{example}%= * Column 3: Description, shown in alt parameter and title parameter of img tag * Column 4: Type, must match the file type of the attached image (gif, png, jpg) * Column 5: Size, must be of format width x height, such as: 16x16 * Column 6: Alias, alternative names for the image (if any)Note: Documentation graphics are defined in topics TWiki.TWikiDocGraphics. This list is defined by the ICONTOPIC setting in TWiki.TWikiPreferences and can be overloaded in Main.TWikiPreferences. See also: TWiki.TWikiDocGraphics -- Contributors: TWikiGuest - 2025-02-05
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