* Set EXAMPLE = Example variable using %DEFAULT%, %PARAM1% and %PARAM2% * Set DEMO = Demo using %DEFAULT{ default="(undefined)" }%, %PARAM1{ default="(undefined)" }% and %PARAM2{ default="(undefined)" }%A special
variable denotes the default (nameless) parameter of the calling variable. Variables optionally may list a default="..."
parameter that gets used in case the calling variable does not specify that parameter.
To use a parameterized variable (or call a macro), add parameters within the curly brackets, such as:
* %EXAMPLE{ "foo" PARAM1="bar" PARAM2="baz" }% * %DEMO{ "demo" PARAM2="parameter 2" }% -- note that PARAM1 is missingwhich resolves to:
gets expanded to bar
* Set DRINK = red wine * Set FAVORITE = My %DEFAULT{default="favorite"}% dish is %DISH{default="steak"}%, my %DEFAULT{default="favorite"}% drink is %DRINK%.
), or as a preferences setting (Set DRINK = ...
Use Variables:
%FAVORITE{ DISH="Sushi" DRINK="Sake" }%Returns:
%FAVORITE{ "preferred" }%Returns:
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