variable to display the list of parent topics. Since version 4.x TWiki also supports hierarchical subwebs, but the breadcrumbs support of TWiki does not allow the display of parent webs as part of of the location breadcrumbs.
Path breadcrumbs show you which topics you visited to reach the current topic. If you revisit a topic you visited earlier, the path is trimmed back to that topic, so it gives you a sort of visual history of where you have been on the site. Path breadcrumbs require that you have session support enabled.
The plugin also gives a great deal of flexibility in deciding which parts of the breadcrumbs should be rendered, and how each
individual breadcrumb is displayed.
tag, there are a few settings to improve rendering breadcrumbs.
to on
. Otherwise the click path of the user won't be recorded and the type
setting to the BREADCRUMBS will result in an undefined behaviour.
preference variable or in a formfield 'TopicTitle ' of a TWikiForm attached to the topic. If a TopicTitle is defined for a topicm, it will be displayed in the breadcrumbs instead of the normal WikiWord topic name. For efficiency it is recommended to install the TWiki:Plugins/DBCachePlugin%BREADCRUMBS%, %BREADCRUMBS{"<web>.<topic>" ...}%
Parameters: <web>.<topic>
: the location to which breadcrumbs should be generated (type="location" only, ignored if type="path") defaults to the current topic
: "location" (the default) or "path"
: format string prepended to the output result
: format string to render one item on the breadcrumbs path (defaults to '[[$webtopic][$name]]')
: format string for any topic items on the path; for example, parent topics. Defaults to the same as format
: format string appended to the output result
: format string to be put between items (defaults to one space char)
: regular expression that items must match to be part of the path
: regular expression that items must not match to be part of the path
: (type="location" only)can be one or more of the following values (comma separated) to decide which parts of the breadcrumbs path should be included (defaults to 'on'): on
: include all parent webs and all parent topics
: include only the current web and the current topic
: don't recurse on webs, include only the current web
: don't recurse on topics, include only the current topic
: include the next parent web but not the parent web's parent web
: include the next parent topic but not the parent topic's parent topic
: short formf of webonce, topiconce
: space out WikiWords inserting a separator (defaults to 'off')
: separator to be used when spacing out WikiWords
: maximum length of a breadcrumbs before inserting an ellipsis in the middle, 0 meaning disable this feature (defaults to 0)
: character sequence to be inserted when reducing the maxlength of the breadcrumbs (defaults to ' ... ')
: the name of the breadcrumb, this is the topic name or the web name having its parent web part being stripped off (that is Bar
instead of Sandbox/Foo/Bar
: the full web.topic
of the breadcrumb (twiki syntax)
: the full web/topic
of the breadcrumb (url syntax)
: name of the breadcrumbs item this is the TopicTitle, spaced out or normal topic name topic
: replaced with a newline char (\n)
: replaced with a percent char (%)
: replaced with a dollar char ($)
: removed from the format string before expanding common TWiki variables
%BREADCRUMBS%TWiki BreadCrumbsPlugin
%BREADCRUMBS{ "Web1/Web2/Web3.Topic" format="$name" separator=" » "}%Web1 » Web2 » Web3 » Topic
%BREADCRUMBS{ "Web1/Web2/Web3.Topic" format="$name" separator=" » " recurse="off"}%Web3 » Topic
%BREADCRUMBS{"Web1/Web2/Web3.Topic" format="$name" separator=" » " recurse="once"}%Web2 » Web3 » Topic
%BREADCRUMBS{"Web1/Web2/Web3.Topic" format="$name" separator=" » " include="Web(1|3).*"}%Web1 » Web2 » Web3
%BREADCRUMBS{"Web1/Web2/Web3.Topic" format="$name" separator=" » " exclude="Web2"}%Web1 » Web2 » Web3 » Topic
interface (Go to Plugins->Find More Extensions) .zip
or .tgz
perl <module>_installer
and enable the module, if it is a plugin.
files in your existing install (take care not to lock the files when you check in)
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