variable is handled by the DatePickerPlugin.
%DATEPICKER{ name="..." value="..." }%
<form action="...">
%DATEPICKER{ name="Start_Date" }%
2025-02-23 - 09:27
. The time is shown as hh:mm (24 hour clock)
. Same format qualifiers as %GMTIME%
, $minutes
, $hours
, $day
, $wday
, $dow
, $month
, $mo
, $year
, $ye
, $tz
, $iso
, $rcs
, $http
, $epoch
expands to 09:27
2025-02-23 - 09:27
%GMTIME{"$day $month, $year - $hour:$min:$sec"}%
expands to 23 Feb, 2025 - 09:27:41
2025-02-23 - 02:27
, $minutes
, $hours
, $day
, $wday
, $dow
, $month
, $mo
, $year
, $ye
, $tz
, $iso
, $rcs
, $http
, $epoch
expands to 02:27
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