linux4microchip+sama7d65-2024.10 tag


Enhancements are added on top of the official v6.6 Linux kernel tag where most of the Microchip SoC features are already supported. Note as well that we re-integrate each and every stable kernel release on top of this Long Term Support (LTS) kernel revision. This means that each v6.6.x version is merged in our branch.

Here is a little summary of the main additional enhancements:

  • Integration of stable kernel updates up to v6.6.23
  • Add support for SAMA7D65 Curiosity board
  • Add support for AC69T88A LVDS Display WVGA Rev 1
  • Add support for Microchip AC40T08A MIPI Display

Media type Board Features Binary Description
Yocto Project / Poky based demo
SD Card image SAMA7D65 Curiosity Headless linux4sam-poky-sama7d65_curiosity-headless-sama7d65-ea-1.0.img.bz2 (~ 73 MB)
md5: 930649f5ef961e3982858f379eb3440d
Linux4SAM Yocto Project / Poky based demo
compiled from tag linux4microchip+sama7d65-2024.10
Follow procedure: #Create_a_SD_card_with_the_demo
Graphics linux4sam-poky-sama7d65_curiosity-graphics-sama7d65-ea-1.0.img.bz2 (~ 182 MB)
md5: 759b6a503f168df380e275204226644a
BuildRoot based demo
SD Card image SAMA7D65 Curiosity Headless linux4sam-buildroot-sama7d65_curiosity-headless-sama7d65-ea-1.0.img.bz2 (~ 87 MB)
md5: a2343e81464dfd96fbeadd826a226c54
Linux4SAM BuildRoot based demo
compiled from tag linux4microchip+sama7d65-2024.10
Follow procedure: #Create_a_SD_card_with_the_demo
Graphics linux4sam-buildroot-sama7d65_curiosity-graphics-sama7d65-ea-1.0.img.bz2 (~ 191 MB)
md5: aac6bd154fde3497b89b30a27a7188f8
r2 - 22 Oct 2024 - 14:45:24 - NicolasFerre
Linux & Open Source for AT91 Microchip Microprocessors

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