with the Escape key (eventually reset the terminal with the reset
amixer set 'Master' 70 unmute amixer set 'PCM' 70 unmute
amixer set 'Master' 70 unmute amixer set 'Output Mixer HiFi Playback Swit' unmute
amixer set 'Master' 70 unmute amixer set 'PCM' 70 unmute amixer set 'Master Mono' 70 unmute amixer set 'Headphone' 70 unmute
alsactl store
command (as long as your filesystem is read/write capable).
After a reboot you can retrieve this configuration running alsactl restore
. You should change it to the one understood by the alsa
control in charge of the main hardware volume control of the mixer interface.
mplayer -ao alsa -mixer-channel Master MUSIC.mp3
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