
This demo application provides experience to user for heart rate profile of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Application sends the data over BLE to mobile using Bluetooth heart rate profile.

The demo uses following components:

  1. WILC3000 Bluetooth Low Energy controller: It provides the bluetooth enabled devices to connect to it. Exposes HCI interface to the Host bluetooth stack and thereby enables to develop any BLE applications
  2. BlueZ: A package of complete Bluetooth Protocol Stack and Utilities, it is used to host custom transparent GATT service and handle data transfers between the peers
  3. Heart rate Service Application: The Heart rate service application which incorporates the GATT server and its characteristics read/write operations

Demo setup diagram:

  1. Once the board is booted, log into the console
  2. Enter below command to start the BLE heart rate profile functionality.
    ./ 1
  3. User will observe following console output:
  4. On a smartphone, download the “Microchip Bluetooth Data”(MBD) application
  5. Turn-On bluetooth in the smartphone settings.
  6. Open “Microchip Bluetooth Data” application.
  7. Start the “Bluetooth Smart” -> “Start Scan”.
  8. User will observe the “BlueZ x.xx”(where x.xx is the BlueZ version) in device list.
  9. Click on “BlueZ x.xx” device to connect with the device's bluetooth heart rate service.
  10. On successful connection with the device, the user will observe data of heart rate as shown in the following screenshot.
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
JPEGjpg ble_scanner.jpg manage 24.8 K 2020-04-16 - 03:35 HemanthTenkod  
JPEGjpg heartrate.jpg manage 12.5 K 2020-04-16 - 03:35 HemanthTenkod  
r6 - 01 Jun 2021 - 16:30:20 - HemanthTenkod
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