Server and client requirements
Low client and server base requirements are core features that keep TWiki widely deployable, particularly across a range of browser platforms and versions. Many Plugins and contrib modules
exist which enhance and expand TWiki's capabilities; they may have additional requirements.
TWiki is written in Perl 5, uses a number of shell commands, and requires RCS (Revision Control System), a GNU Free Software package. TWiki is developed in a basic Linux/Apache environment. It also works with Microsoft Windows, and should have no problem on any other platform that meets the requirements.
Most of the CPAN libraries listesd below are part of a standard Perl installation so you most likely have them all!
See TWiki:TWiki.HowToInstallCpanModules for detailed information on how to install CPAN libraries
The following Perl CPAN modules are used by TWiki:
The following Perl modules may be used by TWiki:
See TWiki:TWiki.HowToInstallCpanModules for detailed information on how to install CPAN libraries
Most of them will probably already be available in your installation. You can check version numbers with the configure
script, or if you're still trying to get to that point, check from the command line like this:
perl -e 'use FileHandle; print $FileHandle::VERSION."\n"'
The TWiki standard installation has relatively low browser requirements:
CSS and Javascript are used in most skins, although there is a low-fat skin (Classic skin) available that minimizes these requirements. Some skins will require more recent releases of browsers. The default skin (Pattern) is tested on IE 6, Safari, and Mozilla 5.0 based browsers (such as Firefox).
You can easily select a balance of browser capability versus look and feel. Try the installed skins at TWikiSkinBrowser and more at TWiki:Plugins.SkinPackage.
Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory
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