Buildroot Images for SAMA7D65 Curiosity and BSR

Known Limitation with Backup Self-Refresh (BSR) low power mode on ready-made Buildroot images


Backup-with-Self Refresh mode (BSR) is not supported in buildroot ready-made images version linux4microchip+sama7d65-2024.10 (aka: sama7d65-ea-1.0).

The buildroot ready made images named linux4sam-buildroot-sama7d65_curiosity-graphics-sama7d65-ea-1.0.img.bz2 and linux4sam-buildroot-sama7d65_curiosity-headless-sama7d65-ea-1.0.img.bz2 don't support BSR mode as this option is not selected in the at91bootstrap boot-loader binary.

Work around

Recompile at91boostrap choosing the defconfig file sama7d65_curiosity-bsrsd1_uboot_defconfig and following the procedure described in the AT91Bootstrap4 section.


Use the ready-made Yocto Project images named linux4sam-poky-sama7d65_curiosity-graphics-sama7d65-ea-1.0.img.bz2 and linux4sam-poky-sama7d65_curiosity-headless-sama7d65-ea-1.0.img.bz2 which contain the support for BSR pre-compiled.

Boards Sama7d65Curiosity
Components AT91Bootstrap, BuildRoot
Summary SAMA7D65 ready-made Buildroot images & BSR
r1 - 24 Oct 2024 - 16:01:54 - NicolasFerre
Linux & Open Source for AT91 Microchip Microprocessors

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