OpenEmbedded / Angstrom : get demo binaries

Root file system pre-built images

The Root file system images are images of jffs2 filesystems containing a entire embedded Linux system. This fielsystem is read/write capable and is designed to be stored in NAND FLASH memory available on AT91sam EK boards (256 MBytes, large pages : 2KBytes).

Included applications

List of included applications : overview and detailed package list.

  console image x11 image x11 AT91SAM9M10 image
Description Non graphical Linux Root filesystem
for AT91SAM9260EK board for example
Graphical Linux Root filesystem
for board having a screen attached
Graphical Linux Root filesystem
with video packages
for AT91SAM9M10 based boards
Common base packages alsa & alsa-utils
dosfstools & e2fsprogs
dropbear (ssh server)
thttpd (web server)
mtd utils
iperf (network testing tool)
wireless tools & wpa-supplicant
Graphical packages None glib & GTK+
X11 (xserver-kdrive-fbdev) + fonts
Multimedia packages madplay
Gstreamer framework
Gstreamer plugins and audio/video libraries
on2-8170-libs Hardware video decoder
Gstreamer plugin

Complete package list console-at91sam9-image x11-at91sam9-image x11-at91sam9m10-image

Angstom 2008.1 binaries

Board Description Binary
at91sam9260ek Angstrom console image tailored for AT91
JFFS2 root filesystem
at91sam9xeek Angstrom console image tailored for AT91
JFFS2 root filesystem
at91sam9261ek Angstrom x11 (graphical) image tailored for AT91
JFFS2 root filesystem
at91sam9263ek Angstrom x11 (graphical) image tailored for AT91
JFFS2 root filesystem
at91sam9rlek Angstrom x11 (graphical) image tailored for AT91
JFFS2 root filesystem
at91sam9g20ek Angstrom console image tailored for AT91
JFFS2 root filesystem
at91sam9g10ek Angstrom x11 (graphical) image tailored for AT91
JFFS2 root filesystem
at91sam9g45ekes Angstrom x11 (graphical) image tailored for AT91
JFFS2 root filesystem
at91sam9m10ekes Angstrom x11 (graphical) image tailored for AT91
JFFS2 root filesystem
at91sam9m10g45ek Angstrom x11 (graphical) image tailored for AT91
JFFS2 root filesystem

Install a rootfs on an AT91 board

This section describes How to load a jffs2 root filesystem into the NAND FLASH of the board with SAM-BA and right through the u-boot command line. SAM-BA is the simplest way.

Pointing hand Note that the root file system is installed at offset 0x400000 in the NAND FLASH. From a Linux kernel point of view, this corresponds to the index 1 of the MTD subsystem device (/dev/mtd1 and /dev/mtdblock1).

Warning, important Note also that this operation will need a complete erase of the board NAND FLASH. Be sure not to loose data during this operation.

Using SAM-BA

  • Connect the USB Device Interface to your host machine using the USB Device Cable
  • Make sure that the chip can execute the bootROM monitor SAM-BA-boot :

  • Start SAM-BA GUI Application
  • Select the the board in the drop-down menu and choose the USB Connection


  • Eventually plug back a jumper to access the media on which u-boot must be loaded to
  • In the main SAM-BA window :
  1. Choose the NandFlash media tab in the SAM-BA GUI interface
  2. Initialize the media choosing the NandFlash Init action in the Scripts rolling menu and press Execute
  3. In the same Scripts menu choose the NandFlash Erase All action and press Execute . A Please Wait... dialog window is appearing: wait for the end of the erase process
  4. Press on Send File Name Browse button
  5. Choose the filesystem image file ( x11-image-demo-at91sam9263ek.jffs2 for example) and press Open
  6. Enter the proper address on media in the Address text field. You can find a media map for each product in GettingStarted#Linux4SAM_DataFlash_demo_Memory and GettingStarted#Linux4SAM_NandFlash_demo_Memory
  7. Press Send File button. A Please Wait... dialog window is appearing: wait for the end of the flashing process
  8. On AT91SAM9260-EK or AT91SAM9XE-EK, If you have erased the booting media, do not forget to replace AT91Bootstrap in it
  9. Close SAM-BA, remove the USB cable

Ok, now you must have a the Linux root filesystem flashed on your board.

Using u-boot commands

Here is a reference documentation about JFFS2 as root filesystem on the u-boot documentation website.

Following commands documentation is available in the u-boot doc/README.nand documentation file.

    1. erase the whole NAND FLASH

U-Boot> nand erase

NAND erase: device 0 whole chip
Skipping bad block at  0x000c0000
Skipping bad block at  0x009c0000
Erasing at 0xffe0000 -- 100% complete.

    2. download the JFFS2 filesystem from TFTP to the board RAM (address 0x21400000(1))

U-Boot> tftp 0x21400000 x11-image-demo-at91sam9263ek.jffs2
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename 'nferre/x11-image-demo-at91sam9263ek.jffs2'.
Load address: 0x21400000
Loading: T #################################################################
         #######################################################T ##########
Bytes transferred = 26083328 (18e0000 hex)
    Pencil remember the number of Bytes transferred just indicated above. It will be useful for the nand write.jffs2 command.

    3. write the filesystem from RAM@0x21400000(2) to NAND FLASH at offset 0x400000 (Linux /dev/mtdblock1). Note the last parameter : it is the number of Bytes transferred indicated in the previous command.

U-Boot> nand write.jffs2 0x21400000 0x400000 0x18e0000

NAND write: device 0 offset 0, size 26083328 ...
Bad block at 0xc0000 in erase block from 0xc0000 will be skipped
Bad block at 0x9c0000 in erase block from 0x9c0000 will be skipped
Writing data at 0x195f800 -- 100% complete.

Pointing hand Note that bad blocks just shown above are normal behavior of a NAND FLASH : they are skipped and the filesystem will not mind, it is designed to manage them.

Good, now you have a fresh JFFS2 filesystem you can boot on.


1 , 2 : Warning, important for at91sam9g45 family: use proper location for RAM: 0x70000000 instead of 0x20000000

Topic attachments
ISorted ascending Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng SAM-BA_mainwin-rootfs.png manage 30.6 K 2007-09-11 - 11:37 UnknownUser SAM-BA main window flashing rootfs
Texttxt console-at91sam9-image_installed-packages.txt manage 5.8 K 2010-03-17 - 15:07 UnknownUser  
Texttxt x11-at91sam9-image_installed-packages.txt manage 11.9 K 2010-03-17 - 15:07 UnknownUser  
Texttxt x11-at91sam9m10-image_installed-packages.txt manage 13.8 K 2010-03-17 - 15:08 UnknownUser  
r22 - 07 Jun 2010 - 14:16:24 - NicolasFerre
Linux & Open Source for AT91 Microchip Microprocessors

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