Flashing a demo for AT91SAM9x5 family

(for SAM9G15, SAM9G25, SAM9X25, SAM9G35 and SAM9X35)


Before flashing the demo, make sure that you have installed the SAM-BA tool on your host computer.

  • connect a USB cable on the board
  • connect a serial link on DBGU connector and open the terminal emulator program

  • JP9 must be opened (BMS=1) to boot from the on-chip Boot ROM
Cogent module Embest module Ronetix module
open *NCS jumper open SW1 switch (not ON position) open J1 and J2 jumpers
which is (are) located on the CPU module to prevent access to serial flash and NAND flash
  • power up the board
  • verify that the USB connection is established (ATMEL AT91xxxxx Test Board appears in taskbar notification area, or check /dev/ttyACM0 on Linux)
Cogent module Embest module Ronetix module
close *NCS jumper close SW1 switch (move to ON position) close J1 and J2 jumpers
  • launch the proper .bat file : this script will run SAM-BA with proper parameters ; on a Linux host, run the .tcl script form the SAM-BA GUI
  • when the logfile.log appears (this will take a few minutes), check that Done. is written a the end of the file
  • remove the USB cable
  • power cycle the board
  • look the system booting on the LCD screen or trough the serial line

Playing with the demo

Ok, now you should have the Linux demo up'n running on your board ! Have a walk through applications of this demo.
You can also access the Linux console through the serial line plugged on DBGU port.
Use the root login account without password.

X11 demo           net demo           PTXdist video player demo

Going forward

If you want to rebuild this demo from sources, go through each component topic and you will have a comprehensive explanation of it role and how to build it.

Topic attachments
ISorted ascending Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
JPEGjpeg ptx_screen_end_little.jpeg manage 33.1 K 2011-10-20 - 15:27 UnknownUser  
PNGpng Screenshot-3_little.png manage 12.3 K 2011-07-11 - 08:59 UnknownUser  
PNGpng angstrom_net_console_little.png manage 72.9 K 2011-07-11 - 09:00 UnknownUser  
r10 - 01 Feb 2013 - 09:16:13 - NicolasFerre
Linux & Open Source for AT91 Microchip Microprocessors

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