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Results from Linux4SAM web retrieved at 18:09 (GMT)

AT91Bootstrap 3.x series Introduction This page is dedicated to AT91Bootstrap 3.x series. For newer versions of AT91Bootstrap, check this page AT91Bootstrap...
AT91Bootstrap Introduction AT91Bootstrap is the 2nd level bootloader for Atmel AT91 SoC providing a set of algorithms to manage the hardware initialization such...
AT91Bootstrap Debugging with Eclipse for Linux Introduction The Eclipse has become the de facto industry standard environment host for embedded development. The...
Configure AT91Bootstrap sama5d3xek Assuming you are at the AT91Bootstrap root directory, you will find a board/sama5d3xek folder which contains several default...
AT91SAM9260 EK SAM BA Recovery Reference documentation SAM BA Recovery application note. You also have a brief AT91SAM9260 EK Bootstrap Recovery Procedure...
AT91SAM9x5 EK Board SoC Features Recent FAQ
Applications Graphics Toolkit Graphics Toolkit (EGT) Graphics Toolkit (EGT) : A Linux GUI Toolkit for Microchip Microprocessors WiFi and Bluetooth...
OP TEE Introduction documentation is the primary site for OP TEE. This document describes the sama5d2 platform support for OP TEE that has been added in various...
Audio Clocks On SAM9X60 Introduction In current SAM9X60 design, there is no exclusive fractional PLL for audio applications. Nevertheless, we can still reconfigure...
FAQ about audio Why is there no sound when playing an audio file? A: The sound controlling devices are muted by default. You need to unmute them explicitly....
Audio Recording on AT91SAM9G20EK Introduction This page is a starting point to add recording functions to the AT91SAM9G20EK board (using Wolfson 8731). It contains...
Number of topics: 11
r194 - 06 Dec 2024 - 16:25:10 - CristianBirsan
Linux & Open Source for AT91 Microchip Microprocessors

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