AT91SAM9M10 Special Page


Hi! Welcome to the Linux4SAM page dedicated to the newly introduced AT91SAM9M10 SOC. This page provides the latest information on this MPU in the same way as elsewhere on the site Linux4SAM. Each component is detailed in its own section just below.
As is always done for the material we publish on Linux4SAM, These special releases will be integrated in each component release cycle and the associated Open Source upstream project.
The embedded video decoder can be used with GStreamer components provided: Check the video decoder solution section for get it started.


Arrow blue right Demo packages available in getting started page Arrow blue left

Basic components


Pre-built binaries

Board Description Binary
at91sam9m10ekes AT91Bootstrap binary with 2nd level application in Dataflash chip (SPI 0 CS 0) dataflash_at91sam9m10ekes.bin
at91sam9m10g45ek AT91Bootstrap binary with 2nd level application in Dataflash chip (SPI 0 CS 0) dataflash_at91sam9m10g45ek.bin
at91sam9m10ekes AT91Bootstrap binary with 2nd level application in NandFlash nandflash_at91sam9m10ekes.bin
at91sam9m10g45ek AT91Bootstrap binary with 2nd level application in NandFlash nandflash_at91sam9m10g45ek.bin

Boot capabilities matrix

Here is :
Aqua led a summary of the boot feature for each board
Green led the solution chosen for the Linux4SAM pre-built binaries.

Product Boot from
DataFlash (SPI0 CS0)
Boot from
DataFlash (SPI0 CS1)
Boot from
NAND Flash
Boot from
SD card
Boot from
NOR Flash
Boot from
Internal Flash (1)
at91sam9m10ekes Green led (2)   Green led    Aqua led       
at91sam9m10g45ek Green led (3)   Green led    Aqua led       

Build AT91Bootstrap from sources

Sources and build process are described in the AT91Bootstrap application note page on

You can also retrieve latest sources from ftp://twiki.lnx4mchp_backend/pub/at91bootstrap.

Pointing hand Check additional information in the dedicated AT91Bootstrap page.


U-boot 1.3.4 experimental binaries

Board Description Binary
at91sam9m10ekes u-boot binary with environment in Dataflash chip (SPI 0 CS 0) u-boot-1.3.4-exp.4-at91sam9m10ekes-dataflash_cs0.bin
at91sam9m10g45ek u-boot binary with environment in Dataflash chip (SPI 0 CS 0) u-boot-1.3.4-exp.5-at91sam9m10g45ek-dataflash_cs0.bin
at91sam9m10ekes u-boot binary with environment in NandFlash u-boot-1.3.4-exp.4-at91sam9m10ekes-nandflash.bin
at91sam9m10g45ek u-boot binary with environment in NandFlash u-boot-1.3.4-exp.5-at91sam9m10g45ek-nandflash.bin

U-boot 1.3.4 experimental sources

Description Source Patch
Add experimental functions to AT91 u-boot u-boot 1.3.4 archive
u-boot 1.3.4 tag on git tree

Pointing hand Check additional information in the dedicated U-Boot page.

Linux Kernel

Pre-built images

2.6.30 (2.6.30-at91-exp.4.patch)
Board Description Binary Configuration file
at91sam9m10g45ek linux-2.6.30 uImage linux-2.6.30-at91-exp.4-at91sam9m10g45ek.bin at91sam9m10g45ek_defconfig
2.6.30 (2.6.30-at91-exp.3.patch)
Board Description Binary Configuration file
at91sam9m10ekes linux-2.6.30 uImage linux-2.6.30-at91-exp.3-at91sam9m10ekes.bin at91sam9m10ekes_defconfig

Linux4SAM AT91SAM9M10 Experimental Patches


  • basically all support provided by previous 2.6.30-at91-exp.3 patch
  • Adding support for AT91SAM9M10G45-EK board


  • basically all support provided by previous 2.6.30-at91-exp.2 patch
  • Adding of all code that is needed for driving ON2 embedded video decoder IP (GPL)
  • Add on2-8170 GPL modules


AT91 Linux kernel sources summary table

Linux Kernel revision Vanilla Linux Kernel AT91 Maintainer patchset Experimental patches
Linux 2.6.30 linux-2.6.30.tar.bz2 2.6.30-at91.patch.gz 2.6.30-at91-exp.4.tar.gz

Pointing hand From left to right, each patch applies on top of the previous source tree.

Pointing hand Check additional information in the dedicated Linux Kernel page.

Open source embedded distribution solutions

OpenEmbedded / Ångström

Angstom 2008.1 binaries

Board Description Binary
at91sam9m10ekes Angstrom x11 (graphical) image tailored for AT91 JFFS2 root filesystem Angstrom-x11-at91sam9m10-image-glibc-ipk-2009.X-stable-at91sam9m10ekes.rootfs.jffs2
at91sam9m10g45ek Angstrom x11 (graphical) image tailored for AT91 JFFS2 root filesystem Angstrom-x11-at91sam9m10-image-glibc-ipk-2009.X-stable-at91sam9m10g45ek.rootfs.jffs2

Pointing hand Check how to flash the roof filesystem on board in OpenEmbedded / Angstrom page.

How to build Angstrom for AT91SAM9M10

Connect to the Ångström building page where detailed information are provided.

AT91SAM9M10 embedded video decoder solutions

Check the Gstreamer plugin page. gstreamer-logo.png


1 : Only available on products with embedded Flash

2 , 3 : On board DataFlash chip

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
JPEGjpg sam9m10.jpg manage 36.7 K 2010-01-15 - 11:25 NicolasFerre